While I still had one day off, and having just come back from Rocky Mountain National Park, I decided on a trip to the brand new Echo Bluff State Park!

To be honest, it was not what I expected. This park is more of a resort of sorts with lodges complete with satellite TV in addition to the standard campground amenities. As far as what I look for, I'd be looking elsewhere but this is one fancy park for sure! The bread and butter of the parks system and it certainly shows!
Pictured is Sinking Creek behind the Echo Bluff lodge. Rather scenic I'd say!
Completing this trip today added 1 more park to my list bringing the running total to 53 of 88!
Span of 1 day; Approximately 326 miles; Approximately 22.38 gallons of gas; Approximate average MPG 14.6 through the ups and towns, twists and turns of the southern Ozark Mountains of Missouri