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Coleman Dark Room 6-Person Tent with Screen Room
The Palace
Quality - 5/5 stars
Coleman was probably the first in the outdoor gear business as they basically offer everything you could ever need for a great outdoor adventure! I have used their tents many times in my life and I have to say, if you take care of them, they will last a long time. That's basically the definition of quality, right?
Usefulness - 5/5 stars
It is a tent and it does exactly what a tent should do. Store your gear out of the elements, give you a place to sleep out of the elements, and, in the case of this tent, reduce the amount of light pouring into the tent overnight. I never realized just how useful that could be especially with car headlights hitting your tent at inconvenient hours.
Cost - 4/5 stars
First, I need to admit this was a gift so it cost me nothing. That said, I did research the pricing on this model and compared to others like it and although it may not be the cheapest around by price, it does have an element of quality that does make the cost more tolerable. Given my history with Coleman, I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a tent from them over price alone.
Overall - 4/5 stars
Having a screened porch is a brilliant idea... until it rains. But then you have your own private screened in pool! That's probably my only complaint with this tent. It's a great size, easy setup, and like most Coleman products, I have no complaints about the quality as long as you care for it. Now, can I just get some kind of storm door covering for the porch?