The time has come! Halfway through the 8th month of the year and finally getting my first camping trip in for 2024. The destination, one I typically pick for August, would be Mark Twain State Park!
Hands down, this has got to be the latest start to any camping year I can remember.
So, what gives?
This year, a lot of life happened during the good weather (which also occurred when least expected, during what should have been the hottest months of the year) and the weather happened when it shouldn't have (it was hotter than normal when it should have been cooler). Anyway, as always, better late than never!

In a perfect illustration of what I mean, this trip had me planning for the worst weather imaginable and, to an extent, it almost happened that way by means of rain and on the temperature side, it was more like late September than early August so that was a tremendous plus! But this trip saw me play a card I rarely play, the glamping card! Yep, I booked a camper cabin! I haven't been in one of these since roughly the same time of year in 2013. Oddly enough, the weather on the 2013 trip was also cooler than normal which also somewhat defeated the purpose of the cabin. Oh well, I still enjoyed both trips!
The drive started out in rain but ended up dry which was truly wonderful given how far of a walk it would be back and forth from cabin to parking spot. The last thing I would have wanted was to start off the trip with a kayak full of water and everything, myself included, cold and wet! After setting up in the cabin, it was time to kick back and relax! Not a bad way to start the work week!
The following day would see me out on the lake enjoying some time paddling in the kayak! I was hoping to get more time with the drone on this trip while out on the water but it was too windy and choppy to make that practical. As disappointing as that was, I did completely enjoy the choppy waters as the waves were a bit larger than I experience at my local lake.
As it became closer to time for lunch, I would make my way back to shore, "surfing" the waves back as I went along, load up, and head back to the cabin for some lunch! The afternoon would be spent exploring the area around the cabin, sending the drone up quickly and briefly for a quick picture, catching a little nature at the shower house, and on the way back from the shower house!
The final morning of the trip would be started with an incredible crash as a dead tree overhanging the cabin dropped a limb right over the bedroom. No damage to the metal roof but that was quite a start to the morning! Gathering our senses, checking our phones, there were plenty of alerts to the impending weather on approach. From a slight risk of severe storms to a flood watch, we knew our window for packing up dry was closing quickly. A quick breakfast to get us going and we started loading all that we had brought back into the truck and trailer and prepared to head home. While it did sprinkle on us early on in the drive home, we managed to stay ahead of the worst of the rain which, again, spared me from having to unload a water filled kayak. Overall, this was another successful trip and the first of five for 2024!

Happy Trails!
Span of 3 days; Approximately 210.4 miles; Approximately 13.785 gallons of gas used; Approximate average MPG 16.68; Approximately $42.44 spent on gas.