The time has once again come for the annual trout fishing trip to Montauk State Park!
3 days off to camp and participate in a grueling tradition of getting up early, battling for a decent spot, defending the spot from others, while staring down countless trout hell bent on breaking your spirit.

This trip was not a record breaker for me.... of the 3 days and a potential to haul off 8 trout (4 per day), I walked away with 1. Just 1. Not the best I've done but conditions certainly didn't feel the same as they were in the years before.
The stories could be recounted for days but to make it short, this park brought me my first trout many years ago and my first was one for the ages! Tipping the scales at nearly 3 pounds, my first was certainly unforgettable! The very lure used is one I continue to use year after year and it consistently performs well (until now) despite the wear and tear on the lure itself! Needless to say, it has been patched together in a number of ways just to be kept around especially for trout fishing at Montauk!

On the return trip home, I stopped off at Robertsville State Park to collect a second stamp bringing the total to 55 out of 88!
Span of 3 days; Approximately 352 miles; Approximately 24.45 gallons of gas; Approximate average MPG 14.4 through the ups and towns, twists and turns of the southern Ozark Mountains of Missouri